Custom Pipeline Filtering

Processing Data...
Please wait few minutes,
Do not Press Refresh or Any Other Button ,
Results will be displayed automatically.

Select File to upload

Please, Upload files* in either ".sdf", or ".mol" format.

Uploaded filename should not contain any special character i.e. @%$_^.-~
Files are temporary saved on the server and deleted after processing.
Maximum allowed upload size is 10MB (~2000 compounds).

Enable Filtering

Optional Step.
Please, Upload Searchings Parametres file.
In this step user is able to upload a file with custom searching criteria.
Please note that each time process data button is pressed, the user is able to download an additional txt file that stores used searching settings to repeat searches

Molecular Weight:
Number of Charges:
Number of C Atoms:
Number of RNH2:
Number of R2NH
Number of R3N
Number of ROPO3
Number of ROH
Number of RCHO
Number of RCOR
Number of RCOOH
Number of RCOOR
Number of ROR
Number of RINGS
Number of AROMATIC
Hydrogen Bond Donors
Hydrogen Bond Acceptors
Partition coefficient log P
Polar surface Area

Enable Substructure Advanced Filtering

Compounds SDF 2:
Please, Upload files* in either ".sdf", or ".mol" format.
Uploaded filename should not contain any special character i.e. @%$_^.-~
Files are temporary saved on the server and deleted after processing.
Maximum allowed upload size is 10MB (~2000 compounds).

Enable van der Waals Advanced Filtering

Please, Select vdW Parametres.
van der Waals Energy Threshold:
van der Waals Radii Tolerance:

Enable Toxicity Filtering with Organic Toxic Compounds

1. N#N dinitrogen
2. C(=O)F formyl fluoride-Michael acceptor
3. C(=O)Cl formyl chloride-Michael acceptor
4. C(=O)Br formyl bromide-Michael acceptor
5. O1CC1 oxirane
6. C/N=N/C diazene
7. c1ccc2c(c1)cc1c(c2)cccc1 anthracene
8. C1=CC(=O)C=CC1=O quinone
9. c1cc(ccc1O)O hydroquinone
10. C=CC(=O)C butenone--Michael acceptor
11. CCOOCC O-O heteroatom
12. CCNNCC hydrazine-N-N heteroatom
13. CCNOCC N-O heteroatom
14. C=CCl chloroethane--Michael acceptor
15. C=CF fuoroethane-Michael acceptor
16. C=CBr bromoethane-Michael acceptor
17. C=CC#N acrylonitrile-Michael acceptor
18. C=C[N+](=O)[O-] nitroethene-Michael acceptor
19. CCSSCC disulfane-S-S heteroatom
20. c1ccc2c(c1)OCO2 benzo-dioxane
21. N(C(=S)NC)C thiourea
22. c1(c(ccs1)C(=O)C)N 2-amino-3-carbonyl thiophene
23. c1cc(c(cc1)O)O catechol
24. s1c(ncc1)N aminothiazole
25. S1C(=S)NC(=O)C1 rhodanine

Enable Hierarchical Clustering

Distance Selection:
Clustering Linkage Selection:
Clustering Threshold:


Enable Graphical representations of molecular properties

In this Step the following graphical represenations are presented:
PCA2 vs PCA1 Principle Component Analysis (PCA) first component (PCA1) against the second component (PCA2), based on the tanimoto coefficient (distance).
PSA vs logPLogarithm of the calculated Partition coefficient (logP) against the Polar Surface Area (PSA).
PSA vs MW Molecular Weight (MW) against the Polar Surface Area (PSA).
logP vs MWMolecular Weight (MW) against Logarithm of the calculated Partition coefficeint (logP).
Plots are created by using the Raphaël javascript library.

Final Step.